"I love children and was excited to become part of REACH. When I meet once a week with my mentee I feel blessed by her. I enjoy being there for her, but she makes my day happy & I always get a big hug! Who does not love hugs!!" - Paula Dobbratz
The best part of being a mentor is knowing I'm being someone [my mentee] can count on. For me, it's always nice to have someone so happy to see you! I chose to become a mentor to bring stability to a child in knowing that there is someone out there who cares about making a commitment to be there every week. - Gini Ellens
"I became a mentor to give a child some inspiration to be strong and learn to help others. To help someone who needs it or just to be there to listen to them. I really enjoy spending time with [my mentee]. She is such a sweet girl with a good heart.I love to see her smile and know I help put it there. It's not hard to be a mentor you just have to make the commitment to your mentee that you will be there for them." - Carla Wojahn
"Best part is my mentee simply wants to play with me. He doesn't care that I am 56 and a school principal. He simply desires my attention. It can take a hectic, issue filled day and I can release all those things that were not as important as he is." - Mark Buteyn